Main / Multistandard converters, ... / PMFD-3304
PMFD-3304 series multistandard decoders/synchronizers/ADC/DAC |
PROFLEX™ PMFD-3304 series multistandard decoders/synchronizers/ADC/DAC accept SDI/YUV/RGB/PAL/SECAM (625/50) video to convert into SDI/YUV/PAL/SECAM/YC (625/50). PMFD-3304NR features the noise reduction capability. PMFD-3304 module occupies two slots in a PROFLEX™ rack.
- 10-bits sampling
- synchronizer (optional)
- user-configurable LUMA, CHROMA and black level presets for composite input signals
- user-configurable H- and V-timing presets with 37ns and 1H steps respectively
- built-in VITS and color bar generators
- noise reducer (optional):
- three-frames motion detector
- adaptive recursive filter
- adaptive 1H filter
- automatic noise suppression coefficient with manual override capability
- median filter to remove noise spikes
- optional 4.43MHz notch filter
PMFD-3304 simplified schematics

Technical specifications

- SDI input parameters:
standard compliance |
ITU-R 656 D1 (270Mbps) |
input impedance |
75 Ohm |
return loss |
better than 15dB at 270MHz |
signal amplitude |
800±80mV |
cable equalization |
automatic, up to 300 meters of Belden or similar |
- CCVS1/Y/G input parameters:
- signal amplitude: 1V at 75 Ohm
- Y and G signals should include the synchronisation waveforms
- CCVS2/Pb/B/C input parameters:
- CCVS or B signal amplitude: 1V at 75 Ohm
- Pb signal amplitude: 525mV at 75 Ohm
- C signal amplitude: 670mV at 75 Ohm
- Pr/R input parameters:
- Pr signal amplitude: 525mV at 75 Ohm
- R signal amplitude: 1V at 75 Ohm
- REF input:
- high impedance, enabled via the X6 jumper setting (GLOB REF or EXT REF)
- four outputs: Y/SDI/CCVS, Pr/SDI/CCVS/C, Pb/SDI/CCVS and PAL
- SDI output parameters:
standard compliance |
ITU-R 656 D1 (270Mbps) |
output impedance |
75 Ohm |
return loss |
better than 15dB at 270MHz |
signal amplitude |
800±80mV |
jitter |
less than 700ps |
- PAL/SECAM output mode:
- signal amplitude: 1V at 75 Ohm
- YC output mode:
- Y signal amplitude: 1V at 75 Ohm
- C signal amplitude: 670mV at 75 Ohm
- YUV output mode:
- Y signal amplitude: 1V at 75 Ohm
- Pr and Pb signals amplitude: 525mV at 75 Ohm
Converter characteristics
PAL/SECAM comb-filter decoding:
10-bits at 27 MHz |
LUMA frequency response |
2.2MHz |
2.9MHz |
3.9~4.7MHz |
5.8MHz |
-0.3dB |
less than -3dB |
better than -40dB |
-1.5dB |
0.5dB up to 5.8MHz |
return loss |
better than 40dB at 4.43MHz |
diff phase |
less than 0.2° |
diff gain |
less than 0.2% |
SNR, weighted |
better than 65dB |
field tilt |
less than 0.5% |
2T K-factor |
less than 0.5% |
SDI signal contents quality is not affected by decoding operation.
PAL/SECAM/YC encoding is performed with 12-bits precision. Encoder's characteristics are ITU-R BT.601.5 and GOST-7845-92 compliant
LUMA channel:
- SECAM mode frequency response (adaptive notch filter ON) relative to 0,5MHz at 420mV amplitude:
- 1,0 MHz: ±0,1 dB
- 2,0 MHz: ±0,25 dB
- 3,0 MHz: ±0,5 dB
- 4,0 MHz: –6±2 dB
- 4,286 MHz: –16±2 dB
- 4,8 MHz: –3±1 dB
- 5,8 MHz: ±0,5 dB
- PAL mode frequency response (adaptive notch filter OFF) – flat (±0,2dB) up to 5,8 MHz
- 2T K-factor: less than 1,5%>
- SNR: better than 63 dB
- nonlinearity: less than 1%
CHROMA channel:
SECAM mode:
- color difference signal bandwidth: 1,5 MHz
- unmodulated subcarrier frequency:
- "red" TV line: 4406,25 ± 1,5 kHz
- "blue" TV line: 4250,00 ± 1,5 kHz
- subcarrier nominal deviation:
- "red" TV line: 280 ± 5 kHz
- "blue" TV line: 230 ± 4 kHz
- subcarrier maximum deviation:
- "red" TV line: 350 ± 10 kHz
- "blue" TV line: 350 ± 10 kHz
- clipping level subcarrier deviation:
- "red" TV line: -506±15...+350±10 kHz
- "blue" TV line: -350±10...+506±15 kHz
- unmodulated subcarrier amplitude:
- "red" TV line: 214 ± 20 mV
- "blue" TV line: 167 ± 16 kHz
- color synchronization signal amplitude:
- "red" TV line: 540 ± 40 mV
- "blue" TV line: 500 ± 40 mV
- GOST 7845-92 compliant LF and HF pre-emphasis
- LUMA-to-CHROMA skew: less than 30ns
- REF or external H/2 driven SECAM color synchronisation
PAL mode:
- chrominance error: less than 2%
- LUMA to CHROMA skew: less than 30ns
- two modes of PAL subcarrier generation:
- ITU-R BT.470-2 compliant autonomous generation
- external REF driven color synchronisation
General description
PMFD-3304 series multistandard decoders/synchronizers/ADC/DAC fits into the PROFLEX rack, it's frontal panel hosts all the module's controls:

- MODE - selects a menu entry for editing
- DOWN/UP – edit a currently selected parameter
The simultaneous depression of the UP and DOWN buttons resets a selected parameter to it's default value
- FREEZE – frame freeze ON/OFF, available only when the synchronizer is enabled
Two LEDs on the frontal edge of the board:
- INP - input signal presence indicator
- REF – reference signal presence indicator (if the synchroniser is enabled)
The main indicators panel:
- INP – lit when input mode is being selected (SDI, CCVS1, CCVS2, YUV, RGB or YC). The main indicator displays "SdI" for the SDI mode, "YUv" for YUV mode, "rGb" for RGB mode, "YC" for YC mode, either "IPL"/"2PL" or "ISE"/"2SE" (i.e. PAL or SECAM) for the composite video respectively
- OUT – lit when output mode is being selected (PAL, SECAM or YC)
- BLCK – lit when the black level is being preset for the composite video. The ±70mV offset is represented as ±99 units
- CHR – lit when the chrominance amplitude is being preset for the composite video. The +5/-13dB range is represented as ±99 units
- GAIN – lit when the luminance amplitude is being preset for the composite video. The +1.8/-2.5dB range is represented as ±32 units
- TIME H and TIME V – LEDs lit when the horizontal (± 32µs) or vertical (±99 TV lines) timing relative to the REF is being preset (if the synchroniser is enabled)
- SC – lit when PAL/YC color subcarrier phase is being adjusted. Additionally, when the S1.6 switch is ON the output line sync pulse position is adjusted (within -7/+8 steps of 74ns), when S1.5 switch is ON output line blanking pulse position is adjusted (within -7/+8 steps of 74ns)
- VBI – lit when the VBI contents (VITS, VITC, Teletext, etc) pass-through mode is being preset:
- PAS – VBI contents pass-through is enabled (main input to main output)
- BLA – VBI contents is blanked
- REF – VBI contents is restored from the REF input signal
- VITS – lit when the built-in VITS generator is enabled, lines 17, 18, 330 and 331
- TEST – lit when the built-in test-pattern generator is being preset:
- oFF – disabled
- brh – vertical color bars ON
- bru – horizontal colo bars ON
- L 1, L 2, L 3, L 4 – corresponds to the test-pattern I , II , III and IV of VITS being inserted into the active lines
- NR GRADE – lit when the noise reduction coefficient is being preset. OFF(noise reducer disabled) up to 7 (best effort) (available in -NR index model only)
- HALF – lit when low-pass filters are enabled/disabled to halve the bandwidth (luminance to 3.4MHz, chrominance to 1.7MHz) (available in -NR index model only)
- NOTCH – lit when the 4.43MHz notch filter is enabled/disabled in the luminance channel (available in -NR index model only)
- MEDIAN – lit when the median filter is enabled/disabled (available in -NR index model only)
The remote control and management from a PC
All the “PROFLEX” modules are remote controllable from a PC. This facility is available if a rack is fitted with a CPU module (ordered separately).