Main / VideoAudio processors / PVDP-1006
PVDP-1006 series multistandard video-audio processors (broadcast 6x1 switchers/mixers) |
PVDP-1006 series multistandard 6-channel video/audio processor accepts asynchronous video signals of various standards (YC, YPrPb, PAL, SECAM, SDIembedded) and balanced analog stereo audio signals. PVDP-1006 is intended for the broadcast production, fits well for a local TV station inserting it's local programming or commercials into a federal feed. Two modifications available: PVDP-1006 and PVDP-1006AA.
Video path:
- up to six external video inputs
- timebase correction and frame syncronisation for input signals
- presettable video signal parameters on each input (except SDI)
- selectable input signal formats:
- PAL/SECAM composite (up to six inputs)
- YPrPb component (two inputs)
- YC component (two inputs)
- SDI digital (three inputs)
- two internal busses: the program PRG and the preset PST
- V, X and CUT transitions with presettable rate
- glitch-free cut/mix (via a preset transition type) at the PRG line by a GPI, local or remote panel command
- outputs:
- program signal standard (either of):
- three PAL/SECAM and two SDI outputs
- one YPrPb and two SDI outputs
- one YC, one PAL and two SDIembedded outputs
- preset:
- one PAL output (the connector is labeled as "PREVIEW")
- logo or text information insertion
- automatic logo suppression on a transition to a preselected input
- nonvolatile storage for scrolling texts logos
- built-in CMOS clock synchronizable from a local panel, PC (Windows ™) or GPS time source
- SDI DSK Fill and Key (K suffix in the model designation code)
- built-in VITS generator
- reinsertion of VBI contents from REF into output signal
- VBI contents pass-through for PAL, SDI, YPrPb, YC input signals
- built-in colorbar generator
- "automatic EE bypass" on input #1 selection condition
- power down condition or manually switchable relay bypass (for composite signals only)
Audio path (PVDP-1006AA only):
- six balanced stereo inputs
- SDI-embedded audio as an input source
- built-in 1kHz test signal generator
- audio embedding into the output SDI
- VOL and BAL controls for PRG and PST audio lines
- mono input to both stereo channels capability
- audio configurable independently from video
- outputs:
- "audio follows video" or independent transition
- relay bypass for both audio channels
- mono output option (half-sum of the Left and the Right channels)
- local console
- PC (Windows ™) via the PROFITT proprietary protocol (via RS-232 or from RS-485 network)
- logo ans scrolling texts are loadable over the Ethernet and RS-232 null-modem cable
- from PFRP-3026, PPRP-4055 and PPRP-4056 panels via RS-485 network
- via RS-232 (an unidirectional - if nesessary) link
- by GPI commands
- six GPI outputs (TALLY) with presettable advance to the actual input transition
- PPM-16M audio patchpanel and DB-44/DB-15 => XLR cable kit
Technical specifications
- Inputs
- Video
- up to six PAL/SECAM composite inputs (1.0v amplitude)
- up to two S-VHS (YC) inputs:
- "Y" luminance signal
- "C" PAL chrominance signal
- up to two component YPrPb inputs
- up to three SDI ITU-R BT.656 compliant inputs
- Audio
- up to six balanced analog stereo inputs
- Synchronization
- pass-through global REF input
- PAL/SECAM black field signal
- synch pulses
- SDI FILL and KEY ITU-R BT.656 compliant inputs
- Controls
- "LOGO": RS-232/ETHERNET, RJ-45 connector
- "RS-485/RS-232": proprietary "PROFLEX" protocol, RJ-45 connector
- "PANEL": RS-232 link, RJ-45 connector
- "GPIO": GPI commands, DUB-25 connector
- 14 inputs
- 6 open collector outputs
- Outputs
- Video:
- program (either of):
- three PAL/SECAM and two SDI outputs
- one YPrPb and two SDI outputs
- one YC, one PAL and two SDIembedded outputs
- preset (the "PREVIEW" output): one PAL output
- Audio:
- program (PRG): one balanced stereo output, DB-44 connector
- preset (PST): one balanced stereo output, DB-44 connector
Video parameters (PAL=>SECAM transcoder mode)
- LUMA channel:
- Frequency response relative to "Y" amplitude at 0,5 MHz with the adaptive rejection ON:
- 1,0MHz: ± 0,2dB
- 2,0MHz: ± 0,2dB
- 3,0MHz: ± 0,5dB
- 4,0MHz: -4/-9dB
- 4,286MHz: -14/-18dB
- 4,8MHz: -2/-5dB
- 5,8MHz: +1/-3dB
- V and H tilt <1%
- diff gain <1%
- SNR better than 53dB weighted
- CHROMA channel:
- GOST 7845-92 compliant SECAM implementation
- LUMA/CHROMA skew less than 50ns
Audio parameters
- audio input impedance: >10 kOhm
- maximum input audio level: +18dBU
- maximum outnput audio level: +15dBU
- frequency response ripple, from 20 Hz to 20 kHz: ±0,15dB relative to 1 kHz
- THD, from 20 Hz to 20 kHz: less than 0,05% at +9dBU level
- audio gain at 1 kHz: 0±0,1dB (at zeroed "Gain" and "Balance" presets)
- weighted noise rejection ratio: better than 80dB at +9dBU
- stereo channel separation (intelligible interference): better than 95dB at +9dBU
- stereo pair gain difference: less than 0,1dB
- stereo pair phase difference: less than 0,5°
- Video
- gain: ±6dB
- saturation: +50% -100%
- black level: ±20%
- output signal to the REF phase setting:
- within a TV line: ±30µs with 37ns steps
- within a TV frame: ±50H
- Audio
- audio gain presettable in the range of -50dB to +20dB with 0,5dB steps
LOGO generator parameters ("L" model index)
- Logo
- Graphical logo:
- 24-bits color depth (16M colors)
- 256 grades of opacity
- non-volatile logo storage capacity: four TV frames
- eight simultaneously loaded logo's
- 720x576 pixel maximum logo resolution
- 255 movement phases for a dynamic logo
- Textual logo:
- texts with time/date, weather information, etc, displayed with the preloadable fonts
- user-editable fonts and color palettes
- up to seven different fonts to use simultaneously
- 62x60 pixels maximum font placeholder
- sixteen different foreground and background colors simultaneously
- up to eight textual constants, 32 symbols each
- up to eight scenes each composed of up to five simultaneous logos: one graphical and four textual
- capability to overlay a graphic and a textual logo
- scene control: ON/OFF, scene selection and swap/mix with presettable scheduling option
- Scrolling text logo:
- externally loadable content: live from a PC, ON/OFF by a local or GPI command
- up to 99 internally stored scrolling lines 30 000 symbols total, selection from a local or remote panel, from a PC or by GPI command
- two display modes of the internally stored lines: "show once" and "in cycle"
- user-editable fonts and foreground/background color palettes
- up to seven different fonts to use simultaneously
- 62x60 pixels maximum font placeholder
- sixteen different foreground and background colors simultaneously
- 256 grades of opacity
- capability to overlay/mix the scrolling line on top of graphic and text logos
- presettable on-screen position and scrolling speed with the scheduling option
Other data
- power consumption: 35W
- working temperature range: 0°C to 45°C
- dimentions: 44x482x340mm
- weight: 4,5 kg
General description
PVDP-1006 series multistandard 6-channel video/audio processor is a rack-mountable 1U 44x482x340mm frame. If nesessary, PVDP-1006 may be converted into a desktop frame.

Frontal panel of PVDP-1006 module
- IN 1 ... IN 6 – “PRESET” bus (if buttons are lit in green) or the “PROGRAM” bus (if buttons are lit in red) input selection
- BYPASS – EE bypass ON/OFF
- MIX – the “PRESET to PROGRAM” transition (available only if IN1~IN6 buttons are assigned to the PST bus)
- AUDIO – activates the audio menu
- BARS – colorbars ON/OFF
- FREEZE – frame freeze ON/OFF at the PGM bus
- ENT – the "ENTER" button for the menu entries selection, etc.
- ^ and v – menu scrolling buttons
- «+» and «-» – menu entry editing buttons
- REF – the global “REF” presence indicator
- LOSS – signal loss indicator (if an input currently selected to the PRG bus looses video the indicator is lit constantly, if the SDIembedded audio is lost - the indicator blinks)
Description of video path
The simplified VIDEO schematic (click to open in the new window)
The nine available BNC input connectors in the "INPUT VIDEO" block are allocated depending on the input format currently selected.

PVDP-1006 rear panel view
The input signals are fed to the two multistandard decoders, the individual input configuration is user-presettable from the frontal panel. The first composite input is always DC-restored to allow the glitch-free commutation to the output to provide an automatic EE-bypass, if nesessary. The PRESET and the PROGRAM bus outputs of the switch are fed to the inputs of two synchronizers. The mixer stage accepts these two signals to provide the A«B transition. There are three types of transition: the instanteneous CUT and two gradual X and V - with a presettable transition rate. After the transition the input signals at the PRG and the PST busses are swapped to allow for the FLIP-FLOP transition mode. A program bus signal may be frame-frosen or replaced with the black field. The mixer's PRG output is fed to the DSK stage. To allow for the DSK preview the similar DSK stage is present at the mixer's PST output too. The DSK FILL and KEY signals are accepted in the SDI standard. The next stage is the logo inserter - graphic and/or textual, scrolling line. Please note that because there is only one logo inserter stage - it is not possible to insert to the PGM and PST busses simultaneously, the priority is given to the PGM. Optional noise reduction stage may be fitted between the mixer stage and the output PAL/SECAM/SDI encoders. The output of the audio mixer part is processed in the SDI encoder to provide the SDIembedded program output signal. The operation mode of all output encoders (PAL/SECAM/YUV/YPrPb and SDI) is presettable from mixer's frontal panel. The CV1 output is directly connected to the CV1 input in the power down condition and the "BYPASS" mode. The complete description of logo generator controls is found in the "LGTLoader User Manual" document.
Description of AUDIO path
The simplified AUDIO schematic (click to open in the new window)
The audio input is the DB-44 connector. The input signals are routed to the two 6x1 A bus and B bus matrixes. The analog audio is digitized by the 24-bits/48kHz ADCs. The SDI-deembedded audio is provided as one of the available audio sources. The next stage provides the 1kHz test signal and the capability to route either input signal (the left or the right one) to both channels. Then the variable-gain amplifier stage provides the gain and the balance presets. The mixer stage provides the PST»PRG transition of V, X or CUT type. After the transition all the PRG presets are transferred to the PST bus, thus enabling the FLIP-FLOP mode if nesessary. The mixed audio is routed to the SDI embedder and to DAC for an analog output. In the power-down condition the PRG output is directly connected to the first audio input to provide the relay bypass circuit. The DB-15 connector presents the PRG and PST output signals.
Controlling the PVDP-1006
The PVDP-1006 multistandard 6-channel video/audio processor is controllable:
- from it's own frontal panel
- from PFRP-3026, PPRP-4055 and PPRP-4056 remote panels
- from a Windows™ PC
- by GPI commands
All PVDP-1006 parameters and functions are editable from it's own frontal panel, which may be locked to prevent unintended actions.
The PFRP-3026 remote panel is attachable to the RS-485/RS-232 connector over the RS-485 network or via the RS-232 link. The following commands are available:
- IN1...IN6 input selection for the PRESET or PROGRAM bus (depends on the ASSIGN KEY PST/PRG setting). The preselected transition - CUT , X or V is available
- the scrolling line logo ON/OFF
- the graphic logo ON/OFF
- the PRESET»PROGRAM transition (only available if IN1...IN6 buttons are assigned to the PST bus)
- the DSK on the program bus ON/OFF
- the audio level manipulation for the PRESET or PROGRAM bus (depends on the ASSIGN KEY PST/PRG setting)
- an external programming insertion with one click of INSERT button
Any button on the PFRP-3026 panel may be locked to prevent unintended actions, any command from the panel may be configured to require the pressing of the two buttons simultaneously. The operation is possible over an unidirectional RS-232 link.
The PPRP-4055 panel differs from the PFRP-3026 in the following:
- input selection is available for the program bus only
- no INSERT button, no audio level controls
- four buttons for the GPI commands are added
The PPRP-4056 panel differs from the PPRP-4055 in the capability to manage the two PDMX-2006F multistandard 6-channel video/audio mixers simultaneously.
The remote controls from a Windows™ PC requires a relevant software package (sold separately) and either of:
- the PB-540-02 DB9<->RJ45 connector adapter on the computer side for the RS-232 connectivity
- the PIC-094 RS-232<->RS-485 interface adapter for the RS-485 network connectivity
In this case all basic PVDP-1006 functions are available, it is possible to synchronize mixer's internal CMOS clock and manage the meteostation data. Through the LOGO connector (RS-232 or ETHERNET) the PDMX-2006 accepts the logo and scrolling line data, the scene composition, the input selection commands.
Input configuration flexibility
The PVDP-1006 mixer allows to assign the IN2...IN6 buttons to any physical input, the exemption of the IN1 button which is always assigned to the CV1 video and the first audio input ANL1.